Career Advice

Tips On How To Write A Professional Email

To everybody it is always very easy to send an email, but there’s still a lot of difference in casual mail from a professional mail as there is a huge difference between formal and informal letter formats too.

So, this article would be focusing more on how to properly send professional mail without errors. Little do you know that there’s practically just a few other things that can tarnish your professional image as much as a poorly written email can. Just the single click on the send button could turn out to eventually be the difference between a successful business exchange or a successful job application, and a potential human resource issue or inter-colleagues conflict.

One of the best ways to actually capture someone’s attention is by creating an effective and enticing email. This article would talk more on how to write a perfect email before sending them off. There would be an exposure on how to avoid email disasters. So, what are the dos of email sending? It is not a secret that a large percent of people actually love to check on their mail most of the time.

So, down to the article, what are the tips to writing a perfect email?

  1. Ensure you have a very clear subject line: the subject is what actually gives meaning to your mail even before the recipient actually goes through the mail, the subject would explain the content of the mail. Even if it is a letter meant for your boss or you are probably trying to apply for a new job, check well to confirm that the subject of the letter is actually a very meaningful one. it is the normal equation for humans that what you see. 
  2. Make sure to use proper and accurate professional salutation; the use of a few words that probably sound very normal and casual but in a professional setting, it is going to make an email look very unserious. Common words like the use of Hey, Yo or Hi are not professional ones at all, regardless of how well or how close you are to the recipient at all. The use of the aforementioned words is quite informal and not professional at all, so in an attempt to replace them, use the words like Dear or better still use the recipient’s name, all of these are now very professional like now. As much as the use of the person’s name sounds simple, do not be tempted to use or shorten a person’s name unless you have been tempted to even use something like that before.
  3. In addition to the previous points, ensure you strike a balance and leverage between formal and casual words or language. As much as your dressing shows who you are, your email also creates an image of who you really are in person and would rate your level of professionalism. In some cases, you could be writing a letter to your boss or the management, you have to be extremely careful and cautious of your fonts, spelling and your choice of words. You could probably get tempted or carried away and send or use emoji during the mail but it’s not condemned but you have to understand who you can send emojis to and who you can’t. 
  4. It is important to always start your mail with a little introduction of the sender, especially if it is someone who doesn’t know you. Sending mail, you have to put in a little information for the recipient to understand who the mail is coming from today. It is important especially when you are trying to get new customers, clients and employers who might perhaps want to find out how you received their contact details most times. 
  5. Double check your attachments and run a proof read on the mail itself. Most times when you send professional emails, there’s always an attachment of either a file or picture, be sure to check this attachment to confirm you are sending the right document or attachments. You can’t afford to send a wrong document to a potential client.
  6. Ensure to finally sign off when you are done. Every single mail sent professionally should have a signature that shows the receiver who you are and how to reach you. It could probably be topped off with a little subtle pleasantry, this depends on the type of company you have that probably wants everyone on their toes. Sign offs and pleasantries could be automatic for mails. 

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