Career Advice How-to

How To Change Career.

It is a new season and perhaps you are thinking of changing that job, you no longer feel fulfilled or you have recently taken interest in a new career and you want to know how to change career path. Not to worry, there is still hope for you. When you are trying to change career, it’s important to understand the landscape you’ll be navigating. What’s the current economic climate like? What skills and qualities will be in high demand? Ultimately, what does the world of work look like right now, and what challenges and opportunities does that bring?. There questions would help you know the direction in which you should take, It would help make the situation clearer.

How To Change Career

  • Evaluation:

Before you think of how to change career, you need to evaluate your current job satisfaction and benefits. Are your dissatisfactions related to the content of your work, your company culture or the people with whom you work?

While you’re doing this, there are some things you can do at your current job to help you prepare to move on when it’s time for a change. You do not have to leave your current job abruptly, take your time to find a better option and prepare for the decision you are about to make.

The evaluation would help you detect what the problem wit your current job is and how to prevent such occurrence in the next career you are choosing, the evaluation would also help you determine if the solution is the change career or fix the current one.

Review past successful roles, volunteer work, projects and jobs to identify preferred activities and skills. Determine whether your core values and skills are addressed through your current career.

  • Acquire needed skills

The next step on how to change career is to get all the necessary skills you need to have a stress free transitioning, skills that would make it easy for you to thrive in your new career path.

There are so many online tools that can help you access the skills you need for the new career path you are about to take. If you do not have the required skills for the career you are about to take, you can always learn them, take classes and courses, both online and virtual depending on the one that is more convenient for you.

  • Gain Experience

Of course you would need relevant experience even when you want to change career. Therefore it is an important step when you want to change career that you gain experience and practical knowledge. one of the easiest ways to do this is to identify volunteer and freelance activities related to your target field to test your interest. This would help you gain more knowledge and required experience for your target field.

  • Brush up your CV

Along with your skills, your CV will need a makeover. One of the most difficult tasks you’ll face is demonstrating how your prior experience and skills can be applied to the new sector or job.

However,  your goal should be to emphasize your transferable abilities and accomplishments to offset a lack of experience in their particular industry.  You can also add the experiences gained while volunteering as this would show your zeal towards that career path.

Try as much as possible to avoid highlighting a chronological list of your work history because it may not be as relevant to your potential employer and may even make them stop and question whether you’re right for a role. Instead, you can place that information towards the end of your resume and group your experience under specific skills.

You can use “Negotiation Skills,” “Research & Analysis,” or “Data Analytics” to highlight the skills you possess. Finally, use your cover letter to make an elaborate case for yourself, sell yourself out as the best candidate for the job.