Career Advice

These Are The Attitudes Of A Great Employee 

There has always been over emphasis on how important attitudes are but nobody actually talks about what attitudes precisely makes you a great employee.

A lot of human resource personnel, C.E.Os would definitely tell you there’s probably no trick that can determine how valuable and successful you could probably get as an employee. Regardless there are a few great characteristics that could be like added advantages for you at work.

To be a great employee you should not only have the necessary skills or the desired skills but you should be able to put them into great use and demonstrate them to your boss or prospective boss.

What are the attributes of attitudes to be displayed at work to become a great employee?

Action Oriented Employee

A lot of employees these days are very good and perfect on paper ( qualifications) but their outputs are disastrous. Employers always value and put priority on employees that are driven, focused and motivated into taking physical actions and steps to achieve a particular result or employees who are willing to always succeed and triumph in every task given to them.

In a team work oriented task, their team is stagnated or slow to deliver without their presence, and they spend too much time on processes and red tapes.To be a goal getter and an active employee be sure to have a priority list both the long and short one and ensure you tick off each of them before the deadline and be positive about every one of them.

The employer or the company at large will place an indispensable and invaluable tag on an active employee and definitely would be on the good page of the company.

Be Productive

Following the previous point, you can be active and not achieve any results. Productivity should always be aimed at and achieved regardless of the situations around the process towards the task. Executing tasks diligently and excellently makes you an efficient productive arm of the company.

Productivity is a necessity and it’s probably the reason you were employed in the first place. Efficiency is also a process to productivity. You need to be effectively productive at work. Try to avoid eye-service and be sure to do your tasks or your job because you really want to be productive and contribute your quota to the company and not because all eyes are on you and you need to please your boss.

Ensure to be organized,  hard working and do your best to get a positive result in all tasks or roles given at your disposal.

Positive Mindset

Attitudes are quite contagious as much as the mindset can be contagious too. Companies look out for people who are always positive regardless of the risk or challenges in their front or in their way.

They still believe positivity can be achieved and they try their best to get things done in the right order. Employers definitely place a lot of emphasis on employees who bring a positive mindset or positive mood to a meeting just to stir everybody in that direction of positivity.

A great positive attitude is a cultural fit and should be a part of you in order to turn out great in all your endeavors. Employers would pick a great mindset or positivist over technical skills. It is great to actually be positive and optimistic in everything that you do at work.

Always bring a good or positive aura for everyone to connect to. Be the sun that brightens everyone’s office. Approach all tasks as being achievable and attainable, don’t be skeptical before starting. I am not suggesting you overlook the obstacles but I am strongly suggesting you do risk management, study the problem ahead and think of ways to go around it and don’t just hit head on these obstacles or don’t see it as a reason to go back. Try to figure out why tasks can’t work out and capitalize on how to solve these problems. 

Always Be Proactive

Employers have a whole lot on their hands and the last thing they want to do is always tell an employee to do some tasks before he or she actually carries it out. They believe employees should be able to act accordingly without being told what to do, they expect you to think and act in the right way possible.

This part is all about acting on initiatives and acting autonomously accordingly and go on with your tasks and be reliable as ever. Your boss might eventually forget to check up since he trusts you so it’s best if you actually do the checking by sending reports and doing a lot of paperwork that shows progress of your designated tasks or role. 

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