Career Advice

How To Harness Your Self-Doubt To Improve Your Confidence And Creativity

We all just see self-doubt and really don’t know how to go about it or what to do about it, with little or no knowledge of the fact that you can use your sense of self-doubt to bring growth, become more confident and also dig a gold mine of creativity that might be overlooked regardless.

The feeling of doubt seems to be one of the most difficult and hard feelings to part ways with. It gets so bad that when you eventually sense the self-doubt, we tend to lie to ourselves and pretend otherwise.

I would gladly believe the phrase of “faking it till you make it” was probably orchestrated from a victim of self-doubt. It sure sounds like an attempt to make more people actually believe or see you for something you are not and reduce the number of people that really doubts you which most times could include yourself too.

The amazing thing about doubt is that to some people or practically it should not be viewed or seen as a negative emotion. Over the years the feeling of self-doubt has made or pushed a lot of people to be successful in reality.

So, it is best to learn how to maneuver the feeling of self-doubt to build your confidence and improve or boost creativity. So how can you utilize or maneuver self-doubt to a positive advantage? 

Try To Understand What Your Doubts Are Is The First Thing To Actually Do

Understanding your doubts is perhaps the first thing to do. Your doubts can be a huge force that compels you to go or work deeper and deeper into completing tasks or role fulfillment, self-doubt can be utilized and seen as a force for exploration, depth and perfectionism.

Self-doubt actually enhances your willingness to actually get to the roots of your doubts so you could correct them after discovery. The willingness you gain from this then in turn makes you very eager to find ever traces of error in that particular work you currently work on.

Philosophers in recent times have seen self-doubt as a glitch in the nature of man and definitely not an individual problem. As much as doubt can be utilized to gain eagerness, willingness, zeal and the likes, if doubt is left unattended to, it could dull and choke every energy for creativity as much as it could create the energy for creation. A lot of times doubt crawls in and becomes an obstacle to development and creativity.

Following the utilizing of doubt to become more, at a point there has to be a feeling that you are no longer in a situation where you actually need doubt to strife and survive. After the work has been done, it is best to part ways with doubts and give room for confidence to actually grow and gain ground.

Gaining Confidences Comes With Efforts

There is nothing you can possibly do boldly that does not require your confidence. There is a quote supposedly made by Henry Ford about confidence, he said “either you believe you can do something or not, either ways you are right”.

So, this simply could be put as you directing your confidence to the right cause of utilizing it or you are unintentionally choking air out of your confidence. Most times a lot of us beat ourselves up when we see other people do something we thought to do, doing them so effortlessly and relaxed.

Instead of beating yourself up, think of the reason why most of them could actually tap into that confidence you lacked, then you discover most of them spent a whole lot of time trying to perfect and plan before execution. Practice and perfection are ways to actually grow your self-confidence.

We probably think respect is the only virtue that needs to be earned and little do you know confidence needs to be earned also, it is not inbuilt in all of us.

Instead Of Competing With Other People, Try To Learn From Them

It is understandable if you feel bad about other people doing the things you thought to do but did not.  Instead of feeling bad, there’s always a double feeling that comes with seeing people do what you thought to do, which is either fascinating or bad.

The use or start of learning in man came from watching and imitating other people and then repeating their actions over and over again. The brains of humans are built and best suitable for this form of learning, like they say seeing is believing so we understand what we see. We all know it is easier to learn what we see than what we listen or hear from.

Regardless of how unrealistic your goals are from your current position, it has definitely been accomplished before in history by a lot of people before.

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