Career Advice

How To Get Rid Of The Perfectionism Trait In You

There has definitely been a lot of suggestions and theories to help you out when you have a boss who appears to be a perfectionist, there is the conclusion that there is practically nothing you can do to survive or cope when you work under a perfectionist, so the conclusion of the best possible solution has always been to quit.

Fine, it is quite understandable because you certainly can never be a hundred percent perfect in the way someone else or your boss wants, so it’s best to avoid a boss like this, but what if in situations when you are actually the one suffering from his perfectionism syndrome? What can you possibly do to save yourself? In a scenario like this certainly quitting or giving up on yourself is certainly not even an option.

To help yourself from this you have to realize what the experiences or plights of staffs or employees that are under you would be, you should look into how much it could affect their morale, they are prone to get fatigued or sick easily and faster than any other unit or department,, most of them eventually put performance as the major priority over sanity or humanity and in the long run their interpersonal relationship with customers and clients tend to eventually take the fall for their actions.

So, in order to put on a healthy, motivated self-employed personality, or a worker that others enjoy doing business or working with, you would definitely have to quit and give up on your perfectionist personality. How do you put off all these perfectionism traits in you? Here are some tips and guidelines for you to follow. 

  1. In an attempt to do or carry out a task you don’t have to give up your high standards. Your standards are your targets, an expectation or a goal you should meet or reach if everything tallies, they are not an imperative. There is really no limit to you doing or successfully running a task, or there is nothing that should stop you from doing a better job. When you are focused on successfully completing your task, you end up doing a great job when you are trying to be perfect all the time. Just be focused on completing your tasks and perfection would certainly pave in. perfection can be aimed at but can’t be totally achieved. So, don’t always have the mindset that since perfection can’t be totally achieved so it should not be aimed at.
  2. Patience is always a very great virtue. When you try to curb your perfectionist energy, it is best to practice becoming more patient. Patience is a great and a very effective skill to have. There is always time to do a good job, even if it doesn’t feel as though there is. Patience would make you go easy and very calm in handling an issue would help you with your interpersonal relationship with your staff. 
  3. Be sure to have and set very clear and reasonable goals. Goals that are quite attainable but also challenging at the same time. So, in cases like this it’s always best and advised to actually try to get outside feedback from your colleagues so you can have a sketch or learn on what is termed ‘reasonable’. When you set up a reasonable and attainable goal it actually gives no room for excuses from your employees and staff at the same time. When we talk of goals that are reasonable it simply means having a feasible goal or aim ahead and not getting ahead of your capacity. Trying to be feasible is understanding your strengths and your weaknesses too.
  4. You have to understand and acknowledge the fact that there are certain things that you definitely do not have control over. So, when stuff like this happens you should understand that there’s nobody responsible or at fault for them. So sometimes there would be situations or occurrences that you certainly can’t control, so in times like this it’s advised that you relax and respond productively to the new reality at hand. There has always been a limit to what we can control, so it is important to shift focus to something you can actually control.
  5. You have to be specific and precise about your work hours. Be clear on how long you should work for. Overworking is definitely a counter to productivity. If you don’t set boundaries between when you should work and when you should not, you end up mixing things up and not getting the expected results eventually. 

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