Career Advice

Career Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Cost

It happens to almost everyone when we all go to interviews unprepared and our head gets clumsy. We tend to speak highly of ourselves and attach some responsibilities to ourselves even the ones we can’t do or that are not quite important.

As professionals there are some mistakes that could be made but avoided which can cost you, your career if not taken carefully. Some things might look trivia to you now but certainly has a great impact or dent on your career path and career role than you can imagine.

I would be taking you through some of the mistakes you should avoid as much as you can or else it would surely affect and put your career through a detrimental and depreciating stage. What are these mistakes to be avoided?.

Being Unprofessional On Social Media

Social media as always said, especially by motivational individuals, the internet and social media to be precise have their disadvantages and also the advantages.Social media can make your career and also damage your career at the same time if you are not careful about how well you use them.

Most people have either lost their current jobs due to unprofessional and irresponsible posts and comments on social media while some have actually lost out on great offers from major companies due to unprofessionalism that they showed on social media.

Instead of commenting or posting with a free attitude, I think it is best if you channel this energy into trying to build and create awareness for your expertise or skills instead. That would do you a whole lot of favour.

Not Understanding Your Managers Expectations

At the start of every job if you clearly don’t know what is expected of you as a staff in an organization then this is certainly an unprofessional attitude and quite dangerous to your career.

As a staff or employee to an organization it is always best if you find out and discover the company policy and company rules and regulations and find out what they want from you, their expectations. If you disregard this information about the company and unknowingly you don’t fulfill all of these, the company would query you for not meeting expectations.

Then the query would eventually lead to you being fired at work. So you have to be sure of the company after or even before you get employed.

Being A Sole Player

A lot of us practically don’t like working or teaming up with others at work, we love to do tasks alone probably because not everyone on a team would be entirely serious and eventually all of you take the fall for one person’s mistake so instead all of us just run or stay away from team playing duties and this can be bad for our career.

Every organization loves a team player, companies see you negatively if you can’t survive in a team effort or team struggle. Anybody can learn to be a team player, How can you be a team player 

  • Get to know and speak to your team or workmates and respect them so it would be reciprocated 
  • Be flexible and device means for you to be flexible and try not to always answer no, I can’t , I don’t , I won’t and the likes be positive 
  • Be quite active in group meetings and discussions. Do not try to be passive or idle in the course of team brainstorming meetings 
  • Look for solutions to problems of the company or the team itself. Be a solution provider not a problem giver to the team.

Never Go To An Interview Unprepared

Regardless of how impromptu an interview would be, it is never true to go to an interview without preparing to a certain level.

Make research about the companies and the firms, be sure of a lot of things and all thanks to the internet you can always find out and make a research about anything in this century.

Over Promising And Under Delivering

Due to pressure or probably overzealousness we all go out of line and stick out our necks in the line to promise to finish a task within a stipulated time and eventually we can’t deliver in due time or deliver at all.

It is good to set a goal but be reasonable to set a goal that is feasible , a goal that is actually realistic. 

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