Career Advice

6 Steps To Help You Recover After Losing Your Job

Naturally losing your job especially over very trivial matters can be a very difficult and trying moment in everyone’s life and sadly it is becoming very rampant in an alarming manner in recent times especially during the pandemic period when a lot of business and companies went packing after going bankrupt.

After getting fired or losing your job it is definitely normal for it to affect us in all ramifications of life including our social life and especially your mental health. You can slowly slide into depression and keep looking at the impossibility or getting a job any time soon.

It is worth thinking too much about but instead of thinking or sliding into depression, there are certain ways to get productive in order to bounce back and get back on track. I would give 6 pieces of advice to help in attempting to bounce back.

Exercise Self-Care

It is necessary and important to first take great care of yourself. Watch out discreetly for your well being. Try as much as possible to avoid overthinking or panicking or blaming yourself for not working at the moment.

Try your best to always make positive declarations that can ascertain your mentality and be positive about it. It can also be a great idea to devote some time off to doing other activities that are definitely not related to job searching. It could be honoring invitations or appointments you could not keep up while you were working. Try to keep up with them and make up time for them.

It is best to involve yourself with extra curricular activities involving your hobbies, be sure to spend enough time with loved one either families or friends too.   A lot of people would probably pick up interest in watching the news but regardless be sure to avoid watching negative news so it doesn’t in turn affect your mental health.

Evaluate Your Financial Status

After losing your job it is definitely a great time to review your financial status and make or devise a means on how to live off of it for the time being. It is the right time to examine and analyze your daily expenses and savings then following this speak to a financial adviser to help out draft a great way to survive during this period.

Eventually there might be a need to apply and seek a loan from the bank either for upkeep or to start up a business to find something to do in the meantime. If applying for a loan is not entirely why you need it then consider selling some of your not so important objects in your time and put it up for sale on eBay.Better still look for any vacancy for a paid labour or paid service you can actually do for that period.

Sharpen Your Job Search Tools

In this century and generation it is best to sharpen and enhance your job search online. Start off by working on your Resume, cover letter and the likes as they are pretty much important in your search for a job.

Sign up on some platforms that can aid or boost your job search like Jobberman, Linkedln and the likes can all help you find your dream job. Take time out to search for top skills employers need at the moment or that is in great demand at that period and try to acquire the skill.

Rerun your resume and ensure to put your best foot forward and try to stop yourself from getting a clumsy faced resume.

Put Out Feelers For Job Opportunities

You can conduct your own job search either by checking a few companies and the likes or sending your CV to certain people or companies in the process. The internet in recent times has given us the privilege to actually put out and set notifications for jobs to actually find you and request for your employment.

Set up your profiles uploading your skills and qualifications on line and let companies find you and evaluate you are perfect for the job. You can as week go for business and employability summits or seminars that can help you with networking and connecting with people that can help or refer you for employment.

You can also search and look for companies that put out vacancies online and confirm their requirements before eventually applying for the role that is vacant.

Get In Touch With Your Former Employers

In as much as the reason for laying you off from work has nothing to do with bad behavior or unacceptable attitudes, then it is not wrong to go back to your former employer to get a reference that can in return boost your resume.

Definitely a new company that wants to recruit you would ask for reason and evidence that you were fired for a good cause and not for bad behavior or maybe you did something wrong.

Their reference can always remind you of your little achievements and help you appreciate and utilize them in showcasing and gaining confidence in your skills.

Be Flexible To Other Options

It is normal to understand where you are coming from but be sure to be flexible in your demands as a lot of companies would not employ until you work on probation basis for the company to actually examine and critically confirm you are the right person for the role.

That’s why most people start off as contract staff before becoming permanent staff of an organization. It is understandable and very much believable about how depressing losing your job can be, but with these tips you would be able to strategize and position yourself for a better opening and furthering your career. 

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