
Top Best Online Newspaper In Nigeria

Online newspapers have now taken over the place of the physical papers that eventually turn to litters. Apparently in this age and time, the only usefulness o the physical papers is for suya.

Gone are the days when people buy newspapers from Newspaper vendors down the street. It is a digital age and technology has taking over virtually everything including Newspapers. Why go to the junction to get newspaper when you can easily have access to the same news at the comfort of your home.

While the printed newspapers still exist, top print media houses have embraced the new trend of having an online platform where they can disseminate their news stories easily to the public. This has created more profit for Nigerian newspapers not only financially but has expanded their reach to a more world-wide audience.
Here are top 5 best online newspapers in Nigeria today that provide latest and breaking news stories.

Top Best Online Newspaper In Nigeria

Top Online Newspaper In Nigeria

Vanguard Online Newspaper

Based on Alexa traffic rank, The Vanguard remains the most popular online newspaper website in Nigeria with the highest readership base. Currently ranked 8th most visited news site in the country, this platform also has its print version in circulation.

Vanguard’s high traffic base is due to the fact that they have presence on major social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. They currently have up to a million followership on facebook and also a million followers on their Twitter handle.
Furthermore, they have sub-domains that are not entirely linked to their news site such as could like answers.vanguardngr.com, community.vanguardngr.com and others. Vanguard online newspaper has an estimated page views of 30 million daily.

The Punch

The Punch is another top online news platform in the country that delivers accurate and timely information on happening events around the country. Their website, Punchng.com is ranked the 9th most popular site in Nigeria.

Also, Punch is one of the most read national dailies in the country which makes this publishing company successful when it comes to sales and circulation. They also have social media presence with their Facebook fan page reaching up to 2 million likes due to their unique news reporting.

The Nation Online Newspaper

The Nation newspaper online version was created in 2009 and has grown in readership since then. The only critic is that the news site has been reported to support APC due to the fact that its owner is one of the political party’s big wig. Aside that, this media house have a very neat and easy to navigate website layout which has attracted many advertisers to their platform.
Estimated visit to the Nation online newspaper website is about 600,000 visits per day and they have reasonable followers on their various social media platform.

Information Nigeria
Information Nigeria is also a good news platform without a print version but still competes favourably with other popular news websites in the country such as Guardian.
ThisDay. The Sun etc. With over 12 million pageviews per day and reasonable organic traffic and with the pace at which they are moving, they would one day be top in the country.

Sahara Reporters

Sahara Reporters is owned by Omoyele Sowore and was created in 2006. They are seen as a controversial online news platform that deals mostly in investigative journalism. They are fond of uncovering what other media houses can’t uncover.
Sahara reporters also have a YouTube channel where its videos are stored. They have close to 5million daily page views with many followers on both Facebook, Twitter and Instagram respectively.


PoliticsNgr.com is also an upcoming online news platform making waves especially when it comes to latest political events happening in the country today. Be it political news stories, crime reporting, and business report, Politicsngr.com website has a quick and responsive design, so you don’t miss their daily updates.