
How To Write An Application Letter For A Teaching Job

Do you have passion for impacting knowledge? Would you love to make teaching a career? Then, you should carefully read through as this was prepared specially to help you know how to write an application Letter for a teaching job you have always wanted.

There is no doubt that a teaching job is one of the most sort after jobs or better still one of the most popular jobs in Nigeria today, right from NYSC to actually making a career out of the teaching job. This is why we have decided to take you through the steps of writing an application letter for a teaching job.

You must have read so many articles of how to write an application letter, you might even still remember all the steps you were taught in your senior but I bet you have not yet seen any as detailed as writing an application letter for a teaching job.

Application  letter for a teaching job

What Is An Application Letter?

Before we tell you how to write an application letter for a teaching job, it is only ideal that we explain what an application letter is to give you a better understanding on what you are about to write.

An application letter is a formal document that summarizes your strongest and most relevant skills and abilities. The skills, abilities, and experience that you talk about in your application letter are what the recruiter or employer will expend on during the interview.

The application letter allows you to convince the recruiter that you are the best person for the job right before they meet with you. Simply put, your application letter is your very first interview before you are being called for a physical interview. Here you state out your intentions and why you are the best candidate for the job.

Now that you already understand what an application letter is, we can move to how to write an application letter for a teaching job.

Steps required to write an application letter for a teaching job.

  1. Your Contact Address and date.
  2. Address your letter to the right person
  3. Salutation
  4. Title of your letter
  5. Introduction
  6. Educational background and other qualifications
  7. Experiences and achievemants
  8. Conclusion
  9. Closing remark.
Contact address and date:

This is the very first step to take when writing an application letter for a teaching job.Of course you are writing the letter with the hope that you would be get the job, when that happens you would need to be contacted. This is why you would need to write your contact address, phone number, email address and the date on the top right hand corner of your paper.

Addressing A Letter To The Right Person.

The second step to take when writing an application letter for a teaching job is to address your letter to the right person. This is very important because when you address to the wrong person, it shows you have not made your findings about the job you are applying for therefore it would be believed that you are unfit for the job. Know if it is the Administrator, Principal, proprietor, human resource or headmaster you are to address the letter to. It is different for different schools which is why you need to find out.


The third step to take when writing an application letter for a teaching job is to salute the addressee. This is not as hard as it sounds, it can just be a simple ‘Dear Sir/Ma’.

Title Of The Letter

This is the very next thing to do when writing an application letter for a teaching job. Just as we know that we are writing an application letter the title will be LETTER OF APPLICATION in capital letters or Letter Of Application making sure that it is underlined.


The next thing to do when writing an application Letter for a teaching job is to start your application letter by introducing yourself. If you are wondering where to start, you can start by talking about where you saw the job advert, if you were referred do not be afraid to mention that too. Then you can go ahead to talk about why you are interested in the position. Sell yourself, talk about what makes you the best candidate for the position.

You can also include information about yourself that would give the recruiter a better understanding of who you are and how you fit into the organization.

Educational Background And Other Qualifications.

Another important step when writing an application letter is to state your educational background and add all other relevant qualifications. Teaching is a profession, and as such your educational qualifications and certifications goes a long way to determine if you would get the job. Every employer wants to hire a qualified teacher, and also someone that is certified to teach. Teaching is a very delicate job and no employer would want to employ anyone under qualified for the job.

In your application for a teaching job, you can also talk about how you became interested in teaching and why you have passion for the job. This will give the employer a glimpse of who you are and how you fit into the role.

Experiences And Achievements

In writing an application letter for a teaching job you have to talk about your experiences and achievements. This will give you an edge over all other candidates.


When writing an application letter for a teaching job, it is good that you end your letter with the recruiter having a good impression of you.

Closing Remark

This is the last and very important step when writing an application letter for a teaching job. It can be as simple as Yours sincerely followed by your signature then your full name.