The Major Difference between Percentage and Percentile: Percentage and percentile are two closely similar ideas concepts, but they are different. Percentage is more intimate of both concepts to most people. It is significant to get familiar with the difference between Percentage and Percentile. So in this article, we will show you the major difference between percentage and percentile.
In our day by day activities, both Mathematical expressions are used in different circumstances to get answers for clear issues. It is central to get familiar with the percentile and rate recipe to sort the issues.
The most intense difference between percentage and percentile originates from the idea of Relative Grading. Percentage would only be your imprints contrary with the complete imprints communicated as far as 100. However, percentile brings into thought the imprints scored by others too.
Percentage is a Mathematical weight which is written out of a total of 100. The symbol which is used to represent the percentage is “%”. This symbol is also used to represent the denominator value is 100.
This symbol can be written as portions or decimals. For the examination step, a rate is the standard procedure to separate the amounts. It also gives data about the proportion and ratios. Typically, percentages are used in such areas as calculating interest rates in finance, to calculating student’s grades at college and school.
The Percentages gives information about proportions and ratios. It is frequently easier to use and understand differences when we use percentages rather than fractions with different denominators.
For instance, the percentage of all people who are female is 50 or very close at least, which means that 50 out of 100 (percent) of people are female. Also, the percentage of alcohol in a beer might be 4, meaning that 4 parts out of 100 are alcohol.
This is a percentage of values found below a certain value. Percentiles show all the observations of a given incident, below a specific percentage of that incident.
However, percentages give you a sign of how well an individual person performed on a test while percentiles give you a sign of how well that person did compare to others. For instance, let’s say the 75th percentile on a test is 160. This means that if you scored 160 then you scored higher than 75% of the people that took that same test.
Although, some percentiles are also named quartiles as they are at the ¼ as well as ¾ positions on the curve. Percentiles are often used in standardized tests to start a ranking system of accomplishment.
It is what percentile the score falls similarly to other test scores that matter. It is also based on dividing up a normal distribution of values into percentiles; the most significant of these are the 25th, 50th and 75th percentile.
The Major Difference Between Percentage and Percentile
- Percentage is a number out of 100, while percentile is a score at or below which a specific percentage of the distribution lies.
- The symbol for percentage is the percent sign “%” while percentile is shown with xth, where x is a number.
- Percentile is a value below which a specific percentage of values are found.
- Percentiles are changed scores that refer to a percentage of test-takers.
- A percentage does not have quartiles. But the percentile has quartiles.
- A percentage can also be written in the form of decimals but percentile cannot be written in the form of decimals.
- Percentile is also based on the rank of numbers while percentages aren’t.
- A percentile is based on the differentiation of one case with various cases while percentage, on the other hand, is based on only one case.
- Percentile depends on the normal distribution. While, a percentage does not depend on the normal distribution.
- A percentages can also be written as a ratio, but percentiles cannot be written as a ratio.