Notable Differences Between Schooling And Education
Notable Differences Between Schooling And Education: However, for most people these two concepts are the same, but there are lots of differences between education and schooling. Schooling is what most people frequently mistake for education, but it is very much different. Keep reading this article to know the notable differences between schooling and education.
Education involves the formal and informal ways of acquiring knowledge while schooling stands for the main and secondary stage of a formal education system that takes place in school. Schooling is just going to school, attending classes, and waiting to write and pass an examination.
What Does Education Mean?
The terms ‘education’ covers not only formal but also informal methods of acquiring knowledge. It also includes formal means of education that start with schools and continue to universities, post-graduate institutes which are high in the hierarchy.
The formal aspect of education is always systematic, pre-scheduled, and well administered by authorities. Also, each stage of formal education leads to higher levels in education.
However, more importantly, all other informal means of knowledge like online sources, learning from peers, in work situations, from sources like books, and free lecture sessions that take place aside from educational institutions are also part of education.
So when this informal aspect of education is concerned as a whole, it is not systematic, pre-scheduled, or properly administered. Most times, the learning content is not pre-scheduled, it maybe random or depends on the interest of the learner.
There is no certain stage that leads from one to another in this case, for instance, the concept of lifelong education. It is notable that the term education means both formal, institutionalized, and informal, personalized ways of learning.
What Does Schooling Mean?
School is the main stage of formal student education in most countries. It is common for young people who are below the age of schooling to attend pre-schools for basic educational skills.
The historical proof of education institutions similar to schools in the present day runs back to the days of ancient Greek, Rome, and Indian civilizations. During all these ancient contexts, attendances to formal education institutions was seen as a privilege and depended on social classes.
During the modern-day, school education is also seen as one of the basic rights of citizens. Also, most countries have government schools and their fee is rather affordable to the general public.
Typically, children of age 6-8 are registered to schools and are promoted to higher grades or classes depending on their performance. In all schools, either public or privatized, there are certain curricula intended for each age group or grades.
Although when the administration of schools are concerned, the principal or a head-teacher /master is in charge of the management and under his supervision, there are heads of sections, units, and teachers in charge of classes. The students in school are also educated in classroom settings with teachers acting as resource persons.
Notable Differences between Education and Schooling
1. Webster’s describes education as knowledge and development resulting from an instructive process, but Webster’s dictionary describes schooling as the process of being taught, such as in a school.
2. Education keeps improving as the communities developed, but no one knows when schooling actually started.
3. Formal means of education like schooling is different from that of informal because of the pre-scheduled content, administration and levels that lead to one another.
4. When education is concerned as a whole, it includes both formal and informal means of gaining knowledge.
5. Education is also a wider concept that includes both formal and informal means of acquiring knowledge while schooling is the first stage of formal education in most countries.