World Bank Scholarship Grants is for talented students who wants to pursue their Masters from some chosen developing countries, which is open for the academic session 2021/2022.
World Bank Scholarship Program provides scholarships to international students who wish to further their education in one of the 48 participating programs at a university in the United States, in Europe, Africa, Oceania, and Japan, and in key areas of development, including economic policy management, fiscal policy, and infrastructure management.
Please be informed that you should apply separately to any of these 48World Bank scholarship programs on the official website of the preferred university.
What is the World Bank Scholarship About?
World Bank scholarship program seeks to promote the World Bank Group’s mission of creating new dynamic approaches to capacity development and knowledge sharing in the developing world.
It is a significant aspect of the Bank Group’s efforts to contribute to the economic development and shared prosperity through investing in education and developing human resources in the developing world.
Details of the Fully Funded World Bank Scholarship Grants List 2021/2022
Degree Level: Masters
Application Deadline:Mid May 2022
Value of Scholarship: Fully Funded ( Travel + Tuition Fees + Allowance etc)
Host Countries: Applicants Choice ( USA, Canada, France, Japan etc)
Eligible Countries:
Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, DR Congo, Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Dominica, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Micronesia, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Samoa, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sudan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Honduras, Iraq, Lebanon, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Palestine, Yemen.
Europe: Kosovo, Kyrgyz Republic.
America: Nicaragua, Venezuela
Major Gains of the World Bank Scholarship
The successful students will be awarded the following benefits:
- Round-trip air travel between your home country and the host university;
- Besides airline tickets, a travel allowance of US $500 for each trip;
- Tuition fee exemption;
- Basic medical coverage;
- Accommodation on campus,
- A monthly allowance, the amount of which varies depending on the host country.
Available Masters Program
Candidates must be aware of applying separately to one of these 48 programs on the official website of the relevant university and be admitted to be considered for the scholarship:
University | Eligible Program |
Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand) | Sustainable Energy Transition |
Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand) | Water Engineering and Management |
Australian National University (Australia) | Climate Change |
Australian National University (Australia) | Environmental and Resource Economics |
Australian National University (Australia) | Environmental Management and Development |
Australian National University (Australia) | Public Administration |
Australian National University (Australia) | Public Policy |
Brandeis University (USA) | Master of Arts in Sustainable International Development |
Brandeis University (USA) | Conflict Resolution and Coexistence |
Brandeis University (USA) | Global Health Policy and Management |
University of Carinthia (Austria) | Management of Conservation Areas |
University Columbia (USA) | School of International and Public Affairs – Economic Policy Management |
University Columbia (USA) | Public Policy |
University Columbia (USA) | Development Practices |
Cornell University (USA) | Professional Studies in Global Development |
Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands | Urban Management and Development |
Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government (UK) | Public Administration in International Development |
IHE Delft Institute (Netherlands) | Environmental Science and Technology |
IHE Delft Institute (Netherlands) | Sanitation |
IHE Delft Institute (Netherlands) | Water Management and Governance |
University chrétienne internationale (RD Congo | Public Economics |
Johns Hopkins University (USA) | Master of Public Health – International Health and Epidemiology |
Keio University (Japan) | Business and Commerce & Taxation Policy Management |
Kobe Institute of Computing (Japan | Information Systems |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) | Data Economics and Development Policy |
Meiji University (Japan) | Public Policy |
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) (Japan) | Tax Force of the Public Finance Program |
Pennsylvania State University (USA) | Architectural Engineering |
Saitama University (Japan) | International Graduate Program on Civil and Engineering |
SOAS University of London (UK) | International Finance and Development |
University of Birmingham (UK | Conflict, State building and Development |
University of British Columbia (Canada) | International Forestry |
University of California-Berkeley (USA) | Master of Development Practice |
Université Clermont-Auvergne FERDI (France) | Master in Economic Policy Management |
Université Félix Houphouët Boigny (France) | Economic Policy Management Program |
University of Hong Kong (China) | Urban Design ( MUD) |
University for Peace (United Nations) | Peace Education |
University of Reading (UK) | Agricultural and Development |
University of Reading (UK) | Climate Change and Development |
University of Reading (UK) | Development Finance |
University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP) (Japan) | Master of Public Policy International Program |
University of Tokyo (Japan) | International Program on Agricultural Development Studies (Global Agricultural Science |
University of Tsukuba (Japan) | Masters Program in Economic and Public Policy |
University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) | Educational Policy Studies |
University of Wollongong (Australia) | Educational ( TESOL) |
Vrije Universiteit (Netherlands) | Health System Policy and Management |
Williams College (USA) | Master of Arts in Policy Economics |
Yokohama National University (Japan) | Infrastructure Management Program |
Admissible Criteria for World Bank Scholarship
To be considered for this educational opportunity, applicants must meet these requirements below:
- Be a national of a World Bank member country (list above);
- Must not have the dual nationality of a developed country;
- Applicants cannot be a staff of the World Bank and not be a close relative
- Hold an undergraduate degree (or equivalent university degree) obtained at least three years before the application deadline.
- Have at least three years of paid development-related employment. The only exception to this criterion is for nationals of developing countries of a country that is on the list of fragile and conflict states. In these exceptional cases, consideration will be given to the limited employment opportunities in the countries listed.
- On or before the scholarship application deadline, have been admitted unconditionally to one of the participating master’s programs and located outside the applicant’s country of citizenship and residence.
Note : The Following Countries are exempted from the fifth point listed above, these countries are considered as fragile and in conflict: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, DR Congo, Eritrea, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Iraq, Kiribati, Kosovo, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Timor-Leste, Tuvalu, Venezuela, Palestine, Yemen, Zimbabwe.
The Aspiring students must have a degree (or work) related to one of the following areas
- Finance, competitiveness, and innovation
- Governance
- Macroeconomics, trade, and investment
- Poverty reduction and equity / shared prosperity
- Education
- Health, nutrition, and population
- Social protection and employment
- Agriculture and food
- Climate change
- Environment and natural resources
- Social, urban, rural, and resilience
- Water
- Energy and extractive
- Infrastructure
- Development in fragility, conflict and violence
How to apply World Bank Scholarship
The call for applications for a JJWBGSP Scholarship will open in late March 2022 and the deadline for applying will be around mid-May 2022. Guidance for the 2022 call for applications, including the call’s:
Step one: Instructions and requirements to submit an application, the eligibility criteria applicants must meet; and the selection process are provided in the Application Guidelines, FAQs and the complete list of JJ/WBGSP participating master degree program offered.
Step two: Inquiries on how to submit an admission application to a Participating program should be submitted to the respective university. All applicants to the JJ/WBG will need to have an unconditional offer of admission from a participating program to be eligible to apply.
Step three: Click Here to apply, you can use the Accessing your online application and Navigating your online application to learn the process.
Check the Official Website for More details
Is the World Bank Scholarship 2021/2022 legit?
Yes it is, the World Bank Group was established in 1944 and its headquarters is situated at Washington, D.C. They have over10,000 employees in more than 120 offices worldwide.
Since 1982, the Program has helped to form a pool of over 6,000 well-trained and experienced development professionals, transforming their countries and positively impacting future generations.
Is the Application form out for the World Bank Scholarship 2021?
No, not yet. As of last year, the World Bank Scholarships Program offers two sources of funding for graduate studies in development-related fields for mid-career professionals and researchers:
To be qualified for a World Bank Scholarship in 2021, developing country nationals will have to be admitted to a master’s degree program that is among this new set partner and selected master degree programs.
What can aspirants do before the Next batch of the scholarship?
Please read the information posted on their website www.worldbank.org to check the eligibility requirements. Below are some useful information:
- Identify a university advisor abroad who will sponsor your fellowship funded Ph.D. research. Please note, World Bank Scholarship does not provide guidance on choosing a host institution or research advisor.
- Ensure both your Ph.D. advisor and your host university advisors are aware of and support your proposal for research that would be funded by a World Bank Scholarship
- Begin gathering required documentation for the fellowship application, including (1) if you are employed, proof of current employment; (2) diploma of highest degree earned; and (3) an official statement from your current university that you are either: (i) currently enrolled as a Ph.D. student and have completed all coursework and exam requirements for your doctoral program; or (ii) currently enrolled in a research-only Ph.D. program.
Who can apply for World Bank scholarship?
To gain preference, aspirants must:
- Be a national of a World Bank member developing country
- Not hold dual citizenship of a developed country
- Be 35 years of age or younger on the Application Deadline date
- Be enrolled in a Ph.D. program in a member developing country of the World Bank at the time of application
- Reside in a member developing country of the World Bank since enrolled in the Ph.D. program;
- Have completed all coursework and exam requirements for attaining a Ph.D. at the time of application;
- Have a Ph.D. thesis centered on a field of development.
- Not be a staff member (which includes consultant) or a relative of a staff member of the World Bank Group.
NOTICE! All eligibility criteria must be adhered to. No exceptions are made. Eligibility criteria will not change during an open call for applications. However, this information is subject to change between the close of one application process and the opening of the next.
The World Bank 2021 Scholarship application must be completed online by the Application Deadline date and include:
- The completed application form
- An agreement to the terms and conditions for an RSMFP fellowship listed on the Application Form’s Signature Page;
- A completed recommendation form submitted online by the host university research advisor
- A completed recommendation form submitted online by the Ph.D. thesis supervisor.
- All required documents must be uploaded online. Any documents an applicant provides by email, post, or an
How are the Selections for the World Bank Scholarships made?
World Bank Scholarship uses the following process to review completed applications with the aim to select eligible candidates with the most innovative and significant research proposals in the area of development.
Two qualified reviewers independently review each eligible application to assess the following:
Quality of the proposed fellowship (70%)
Prospects for a productive career in research on development post-PhD (30%).
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